Vanbrugh Castle School

The Wakefield Wing

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The Wakefield Wing (formerly The Cedars)

This picture of the Wakefield Wing is not that interesting except the fir tree is the one that Brian Cuddehay was climbing when he cut his legs badly after falling through the glass roof of the potting shed below.
The topmost room of the tower contained a water tank.

This faded picture shows the back of The Wing with the disfiguring fire-escape photographed from the top of the castle. It housed the boys dining room, staff dining room, kitchen, boys bathroom, cook’s room, two dormitories (10 boys in each), headmaster’s rooms, housekeeper’s room, the sick bay, assistant matron’s rooms.

This large Cedar of Lebanon tree was at the bottom of the lawn behind The Wing. To the right of the tree was a mulberry tree which always had succulent and squashy fruit in summer. This is a poor picture but it was taken when it was snowing. The roller leaning up against the wall was very heavy but it was never used for anything useful.